
Welcoming Martin Andreas Schmid to the KLI

We are very happy to welcome our new Fellow Visitor Martin Andreas Schmid to the KLI. Martin is an environmental historian trained in history and archaeology. He studies the biophysical and symbolic relationships of society with nature since c. 1500 with focus on Austria and Europe. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor for Environmental History at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo), University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Martin’s KLI project is titled, “What Is Socio-Ecological Industrialization in Co-Evolutionary Terms?”


Group Leader in Philosophy of Biology or Theoretical Biology

The KLI is hiring a Group Leader in Philosophy of Biology or Theoretical Biology

Lee Altenberg
Ten Thousand Years of Cranial Evolution in South America
Lumila Menéndez
Sustainable Biophysical Human-Nature Connectedness
Christian Dorninger